June 2017 - Addis Ababa (Trip From Hell)

Update from Addis Ababa

This has been an extremely difficult trip.  Truth be told - we haven't accomplished one thing we set out to when this trip was planned.  You've heard most of the details - stolen money, delayed and rerouted flights, lost luggage, cancelled fights because of weather and the list could go on, but you get the picture.

I read the words of Paul from Romans 1:13, "My friends, I want you to know that I have often planned to come for a visit. But something has always kept me from doing it. I want to win followers to Christ in Rome, as I have done in many other places" and now understand just a bit of what he must have felt.

My version of Paul's thoughts would be "We longed to come to Lalibella, Woledeya and Rayana Qobo but because of the cancellation of flights due to weather we were unable to come.   I want to come share with you what God has shared with me - a way of understanding and communicating God's Word that will benefit you, your church and your entire nation.   We have done this all across Ethiopia and God Willing there will be a day when we share it with you!"

The only teaching we have been able to do on this trip is in a small church on the outskirts of Addis Ababa.  It was a church that was established 3 years ago and we had about 35 in attendance.   It was a great meeting and the material was well received.

Let me close this missive of an email with a couple of thoughts:

1.  I have wondered why these series of events have totally decimated our plans.  Was it God?  Was it Satan?  Was it just a series of events that happened?  Is there something God is trying to tell us?  In response to this, James led me to ask for Wisdom and hopefully if there is something God wants revealed He will reveal it.   However, it hasn't been lost on me that they very place we were scheduled to be was a place of great persecution just last week when a pastor's home was destroyed.  Perhaps God just didn't want us there right now.  I truly don't know.

2.  We are already preparing the last 4 trips of the year.  I truly need you to pray that God would give us the wisdom if He wants us to vary the way we have proceeded over the last trips over the last 2 1/2 years.  If God allows these 4 trips, it will be 10 training trips to Ethiopia this year.

Finally, pray for me.  I have three days left in Ethiopia and at this moment, we have no more trainings or teachings to do.  It is our prayer that an opportunity arises tomorrow or the next day.   I am scheduled to arrive home Sunday Night, July 2nd.

I thank God for each of you.  Many of you have been part of replacing the money stolen on the flight.  It is a miracle of God that the entire amount has been replaced in just a few days from the generosity of God's children.  Also, the many words of encouragement from Facebook, Messages and Email have encouraged my heart tremendously on this difficult trip.

I truly believe the best is yet to come.
